Prepare For The Future With Advance Health Care Directives
Enforcing your medical decisions when you are not able to do it yourself is exactly what you need an advanced medical directive for. These legal documents can enforce your wishes when injury or illness incapacitates you, but they are not easy to make on your own.
Our attorneys at Gary, Till, Burlingham & Lynch know that medical care decisions are personal and important. Important medical decisions include your choice of doctor, elective surgeries, invasive tests and even the amount of medical treatment desired when the end of life may be near. When you work so hard to come to these decisions, we can help you uphold them.
Planning For Tomorrow
Unfortunately, suppose clients do not specify their medical treatment wishes and decision-makers before incapacity strikes. In that case, it can be extremely difficult for family members, doctors and care providers to communicate and honor the clients’ treatment wishes. Medical doctors may even refuse to honor your wishes if you do not specify them in a proper, advance-written document.
Creating an advanced medical directive can provide answers about how long you want to remain on life support, what kind of procedures you approve of, and if you wish to be an organ donor. A thorough directive can make the difference in whether you receive the medical treatment you want or not. We can help you develop a directive you can rely on that meets your unique needs.
In addition to your directive, a medical power of attorney (POA) can help enforce your wishes. The person you choose to be your POA will act on your behalf and make the medical wishes that reflect your needs.
Let Us Help Defend Your Wishes
We strongly value the preciousness of life and want to help you prepare your advanced health care directive so that your family and loved ones will be able to make correct medical decisions for you and honor your wishes upon incapacity.
Part of creating an estate plan includes preparing for what happens after your passing, but it also should include what happens while you are still alive. When you need someone to help you with your planning needs, choose a legal team with more than 40 years of experience. Call our Roseville office at 916-304-5691 or email us here to schedule your initial consultation today.