In light of the new California law that treats pets like family in divorce, you have a lot to consider when splitting up. If you see your dog, cat, guinea pig or snake as your own family, you want to keep as much custody as possible. The last thing you want is to lose...
Comprehensive, Effective
Family Solutions
Month: January 2019
Guidelines for dividing assets and debt in a California divorce
California courts usually expect divorcing couples to prepare a mutually agreeable plan for splitting their assets and debts. However, some couples cannot reach such an agreement, and the court is required to step in. Couples also misunderstand the effect of the...
Understanding the differences between a divorce and an annulment
When married couples in Sacramento decide to end their marriages, they most commonly think that a divorce is their only option. In most cases, this assumption is correct. Other factors, however, may make an annulment a preferable option. Apart from the procedures that...
Enforcing an order for spousal support in California
The subject of spousal support can be one of the most contentious issues in any divorce in Sacramento County. When the court issues its final order declaring the parties to be divorced and setting an amount and schedule for alimony payments, many people feel that the...
Law concerning custody of pets takes effect on January 1
California's community property laws can present unexpected issues in a divorce. How does a couple divide a valuable work of art? Or divide a valuable antique piece of furniture? And what about the family dog or cat or parrot? Until this past year, California judges...