When high-asset couples decide to divorce, the spouses may face a problem that does not plague low or medium income families: the search for hidden assets. Hiding assets or, more exactly, failing to disclose assets, in a California divorce may or may not be criminal,...
Comprehensive, Effective
Family Solutions
Month: June 2019
Overview of California’s relocation and custody laws
When you initiate a divorce, your family will certainly change. You may even want to relocate to start a new life or get a new job. If you are the custodial parent, you must follow the move-away laws in California before packing up your bags and taking your child...
Property division: Community property vs quasi-community property
For Californians who are in the middle of a divorce, one of the most common topics for intense dispute is property division. There are certain laws that regulate how property will be distributed as part of the divorce. While most will understand the concept of...
Understanding the details of joint custody in California
Many residents of Sacramento County have heard the phrase, "the devil is in the details." The exact meaning of the phrase often remains obscure until a person goes through a divorce involving custody of minor children. Whether parents agree or disagree on which of...
Key considerations for legal separation
Divorce is not usually a quick decision. It takes intentional time and consideration. For those who are not positive that divorce is the best option, it may be a good idea to explore legal separation. There are a few key facts to understand about legal...
Calculating spousal support in a California divorce
When a couple in Sacramento County decides to end their marriage, the issue of spousal support can be troubling to both parties. Generally, the court will order the higher earning spouse to pay alimony (or "spousal support") to the lower earning spouse. This...