Adults co-parenting in California often find themselves disagreeing about decisions regarding their children and their parenting schedules. The family courts generally expect the parents should cooperate with each other in a shared custody scenario. They should keep...
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Family Solutions
Child Custody And Visitation
Understanding legal custody
Legal custody is a crucial concept to understand when it comes to parenting after a separation or divorce. It is essential to understand what legal custody means and how it affects your role as a parent. What is legal custody? Legal custody is the right and...
3 times visitation may be better than shared custody
Shared custody between parents is the standard in most California divorces. Either the parents or the judge hearing their case divides parenting time between both adults. They each have a certain number of overnight stays with the children every month. They like they...
How do you co-parent when you disagree?
Co-parenting after a divorce is a crucial part of ensuring your children continue to receive the love and support they need. While the end of a marriage can be painful, it is essential to remember that your role as a parent continues. Raising children with your former...
Parents who improve their situations may see their children more
When parents negotiate shared custody arrangements, they often set terms based on their current circumstances. The same is generally true of litigated custody cases. Family law judges in California consider a variety of different family matters when establishing a...
Tips for long-distance parenting after a divorce
Divorcing when you have children can be a challenge because everyone involved has to learn how to adjust to new circumstances. That can become more difficult if you have to move away from your child or if they move away from you. Because every situation is different,...
How to manage visitation in child custody arrangements in California
Parents who separate in California need to prioritize their child’s best interest by having a parenting plan. This ensures that their child will continue to receive love, care and support despite their separation. A parenting plan details the child custody arrangement...
How to maximize the benefits of custody mediation in California
In California, courts require every child custody case to undergo mediation. This allows parents to be more involved in the decision-making process, which usually leads to satisfactory results. However, the process is not perfect. Sometimes, the outcome of custody and...
Understanding a 730 psychological evaluation
Divorce can deny a child a safe and stable home growing up when parents engage in constant, heated disputes. So, both spouses or the judge may request or require a thorough investigation to evaluate a child’s best interests. For cases that involve alleged abuse or...
The importance of children’s viewpoint in custody cases
Since custody cases primarily revolve around them, it makes sense to involve children in the process by asking them about their preferences or how they feel about certain parenting time arrangements. In California, courts can consider a child’s preference, together...