For Sacramento couples with a high net worth, dividing assets in a divorce can be a quagmire of emotion and uncertainty. Couples will fight over which assets are community property and which are separate property. And, one of the thorniest issues is whether one or...
Comprehensive, Effective
Family Solutions
Month: May 2018
How to comfort your children during divorce
Your divorce will undoubtedly affect your kids. As they watch their parents fight and separate, they may feel a variety of emotions, including grief, anger, confusion and resentment. While you figure out the complex and stressful details of your divorce, make sure you...
Modifying an order for spousal support: why and how
Many people who get divorced in Sacramento assume that the court's order that sets allowances for child support and alimony are fixed and cannot be changed. California's divorce laws allow for modification to any order for spousal support if either spouse is...
Father kidnaps daughter to evade court order
California judges have broad powers to resolve the many issues in a divorce. Refusal to obey an order establishing the parties' rights to child custody and visitation can result in a citation for contempt of court, a fine, and, in extreme cases, criminal charges. A...
How social media impacts divorce cases
Attorneys frequently bring electronic evidence into court to bolster their clients' claims for more alimony, more child support or other aspects of divorce. In addition to social media posts, lawyers may be able to acquire emails and even geotag locations to provide a...
Drafting a parenting plan that will help your children
When a Sacramento couple decides to end their marriage, providing for the welfare of their children is one of the most important issues they will face. Unfortunately, divorcing spouses often do not view the issues involved in their children's welfare in the same...
Domestic violence and California divorces
Most people in Sacramento understand that domestic violence is a serious crime that entails serious penalties for a conviction. Less well understood is the effect of domestic violence on a California divorce. Domestic violence is defined as any physical assault...