The greatest risk for noncustodial parents during (and after) divorce is the loss of meaningful contact with their children. Displacement from the family home is only one of many divorce effects that can interfere with your parent-child bond. In another example,...
Comprehensive, Effective
Family Solutions
Month: December 2022
How do you divide your credit card debts when you divorce?
One of the most stressful challenges in a California divorce will be trying to separate your finances from your spouse's. The two of you may own a house and a vehicle together, along with furnishings and many other personal possessions potentially worth thousands of...
What you need to know about spousal support
Spousal support is supposed to help a spouse meet their financial needs during and after divorce. You may have sacrificed your ability to earn income during the marriage to take care of your family or even given up your career to support your spouse. In such a case, a...
Post-divorce tips if you have young children
You and your ex have gone your separate ways and the divorce is finally concluded. A custody arrangement has been put in place and you’re excited to see the kids. However, you’re a little apprehensive because you’re not sure how they are coping with it all. Is there...