You and your spouse have several investment properties that you collect an income from. You have tenants who live in a few of the properties and businesses who rent some of the others. During your marriage, these properties have really helped you increase your net...
Comprehensive, Effective
Family Solutions
Month: June 2022
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Common causes for gray divorce
In the past, divorce was thought to be a “young people’s problem.” However, in recent years, cases of gray divorce (divorce among people 60 years of age and older) are becoming much more common. There are more than a few reasons that gray divorce has become more...
When can you request an alimony modification?
When you divorce, the final divorce judgment may require one party to pay alimony or spousal support to the other. Usually, these payments only last for a certain amount of time, which is also outlined in the final dissolution judgment. The purpose of this support is...